Golgi Apparatus
Located near the outer side of the endoplasmic reticulum.
Stack of thin, flat and slightly curved sacs.
Thin in the middle and dilated at the edges.
Not connected to each other.
Process and sort newly synthesized proteins.
Proteins are synthesized on rough endoplasmic reticulum
Packed in carrier vesicles
Reach the innermost sac of the Golgi apparatus
Pass through each sac one by one and are processed during this
Reach the outermost sac
Seggregated according to the destination
Secretory proteins: Packed in secretory vesicles ⟶ Stored ⟶ Upon appropriate signal ⟶ Secreted by the process of exocytosis.
Proteins to be sent to intracellular organelles: Packed in separate vesicles ⟶ go to the respective organelle.