Drugs Modifying Adrenergic Transmission
α Methyl-p-tyrosine
Inhibits tyrosine hydroxylase (The rate-limiting enzyme)
Depletes catecholamines
α Methyldopa
Inhibits dopa decarboxylase
Instead of noradrenaline, α methyl adrenaline is produced
A false transmitter
Does not stimulate receptor
Guanethidine & Bretylium
Inhibit nerve impulse coupled release of neurotransmitters
Decreased adrenergic activity
Receptor agonists e.g. phenylephrine, salbutamol etc.
Stimulate receptors
⭣ Increased adrenergic activity
Receptor antagonists e.g. phentolamine, propranolol etc.
Block receptors
Decreased adrenergic activity
Cocaine & Desipramine
Inhibit axonal uptake by NET
Noradrenaline stays in synaptic cleft
More stimulation of the receptors
Increased adrenergic activity
Inhibits vesicular uptake by VMAT
More noradrenaline stays in cytoplasm
Degraded by MAO
Decreased adrenergic activity
Amphetamine, Tyramine etc
Displaces noradrenaline from its storage sites
Noradrenaline moves into cytoplasm
⭣ Reverse transport & exchange diffusion
More noradrenaline in the synaptic space
Stimulation of receptors
Increased adrenergic activity
MAO inhibitors e.g. tranylcypromine
Inhibits MAO
Catecholamines are not degraded
COMT inhibitors
Inhibits COMT
Catecholamines are not degraded
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